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Install Lesli for development

Lesli provides a pre-configured environment for working with Vue and SASS applications. It also includes a build process that compiles Vue and SASS into standard JavaScript and CSS code.

Install the Lesli core

Clone the Lesli source code repository into your main Rails application, Lesli and the Lesli engines needs to be installed inside an "engines" folder inside the main Rails application.

Main Rails app/  
 ├── app/  
 ├── bin/  
 ├── config/  
 ├── db/  
 ├── engines/ -> Lesli goes here!   
 ├── lib/  
 ├── log/  
 ├── public/  
 ├── spec/  
 ├── storage/  
 ├── tmp/  
 └── vendor/
# Inside your Rails root folder
git clone [email protected]:LesliTech/Lesli.git engines/Lesli

Include Lesli into your Gemfile, be sure to load the engine from the source code using the "path" parameter.

gem "lesli", path: "engines/Lesli"

Install the gems needed by Lesli to work

bundle install

Lesli include a Rake task to start the database:

# Lesli include a Rake task to initialize the database for demo and development purposes, this task is going migrate, build privileges (if LesliSecurity is installed), translations (if LesliBabel is installed), seed the database with demo users and demo data for every installed engine and at the end print a pretty message with the status of the application.
rake lesli:db:dev

# or

# you can restart your database to start with a new fresh database
rake lesli:db:restart

Mount Lesli in your main Rails application

Rails.application.routes.draw do
    mount Lesli::Engine => "/lesli"

Run the default Rails development server

rails s 
rails s --binding=
rails s --environment=test
rails s --environment=development
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=true rails s --environment=production

Logging into your new Lesli application

The seeders comes with default users with different roles and privileges, to see Lesli in action use the owner user:

username: [email protected]
password: Tardis2024$

It is possible to add development users, roles, privileges and more; we will explore this options later in the documentation.