Lesli use a .rb file to initialize the basic settings needed to start the app. We can customize this settings adding or generating a initializer for our gem.
# Generate Lesli initializer
rails g lesli:install
Lesli includes the base lesli configuration, so you can only edit the parts required for your specific needs.
Lesli.configure do |config|
# Installation identifier
config.instance = "Lesli"
# Information about the main account in the platform = {
name: "Lesli",
email: "[email protected]",
tagline: "Ruby on Rails SaaS Development Platform."
# Available languages globally (Requires LesliBabel)
config.locales = {
:en => "English", # English
# :de => "Deutsch", # Deutsch/German
# :pl => "Polski", # Polski/Polish/Poland
# :nl => "Dutch", # Dutch/Nederlands/Netherlands
:es => "Español", # Español/Spanish
# :uk => "украї́нська", # украї́нська/Ukrainian
# :sr => "Српски", # Српски/Srpski/Serbian
# :it => "Italiano", # Italiano/Italian
# :hr => "Hrvatski", # Hrvatski/Croatian
# :fr => "Français", # French
# :pt => "Português", # Portuguese
# :tr => "Türkçe", # Turkish
# :ro => "Română", # Romanian
# :bg => "български" # Bulgarian
# Time localization
config.datetime = {
time_zone: "America/Guatemala",
start_week_on: "monday",
formats: {
date: "%d/%m/%Y",
time: "%H:%M",
date_time: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",
date_words: "%A, %B %d, %Y",
date_time_words: "%A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M"
# Instance security settings = {
password: "tardis",
enable_debug: false,
enable_becoming: false,
enable_analytics: true,
enable_login_otp: true,
enable_login_link: true,
allow_multiaccount: true,
allow_registration: true
# Main color palette for Lesli
config.theme = {
color_primary: "#193d8d",
color_sidebar: "#ffffff",
color_header: "transparent",
color_footer: "transparent",
color_background: "#eef2f6",
color_sidebar_hover: "#dee7ec"
You can edit this at runtime, the initializer file is needed only to setup Lesli for the very first time.